9 Interesting Facts About the Hair on Our Heads

Hair plays an important role in beautifying the appearance and protecting the skin. But did you know about some little-known hair facts?

This seemingly trivial body part actually holds interesting facts that are rarely realized, for example, the amount of hair loss that can reach 50-100 strands per day.

So, what are some other hair facts? Check out the full explanation!

Facts about hair you need to know

Healthy and well-groomed hair will make you look more attractive. No wonder so many men and women who do hair care to maintain its beauty. Unfortunately, not everyone knows various facts about hair.

These facts include about the color and shape of human hair, the number of strands of hair, since when humans have had hair, and so on.

Here are some hair facts you need to know.

1. Why do babies born already have hair?

You should not be surprised if you see a newborn baby already has hair. Due to the fact that hair growth begins when the baby is in the womb.

According to the Cleveland Clinic website, humans have at least 5 million hair follicles at birth. These follicles are skin structures where hair grows.

2. Why does everyone have different hair?

You may wonder why some people have straight, wavy, curly, thick, thin, fine, or coarse hair. The thing that determines the type of hair is the shape of your hair follicles which is influenced by genetic factors.

The follicle itself is located at the root of the hair in the skin (dermis) which is not visible from the outer layer.

3. Why do people have different hair colors?

Human hair color in different parts of the world can be different, there are black, blonde, brown, red, and others.

Interesting facts about hair color is influenced by the type and levels of melanin (dye) in the hair. The more melanin in your hair, the darker your hair color will be.

However, the amount of melanin can decrease with age, so this condition is one of the causes of gray hair.

4. How many hairs do you grow each year?

There is no adequate research that explains exactly how much hair grows each year. However, hair is the second most rapidly growing body part after the spinal cord.

In a book entitled "Anatomy, Hair" (2021) it is stated that the average hair grows by 0.35 mm per day and about 15 cm per year.

5. Why does hair get oily?

The interesting fact is that the process of hair growth involves the sebaceous glands because of the anatomy of the hair that is connected to the sebum-producing glands. These oil glands will add oil to the hair and keep it shiny and soft.

This is also the reason why you don't need to wash your hair too often to prevent your hair from becoming too dry or limp.

6. Why does hair fall out?

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, it is normal to lose 50-100 strands of hair every day. The hair loss is caused by the hair follicles resting for a while, so the hair in the follicles will fall out. You also don't need to worry, because the hair that has fallen out will grow back.

If the hair loss is very heavy and severe, you may need to consult a doctor to find out the cause and get the right hair loss treatment.

7. Why can baldness occur?

The next interesting hair fact is about hair follicles.

This part is one of the structures in the body that can stop functioning or start functioning again (regenerate). Unfortunately, for some people the follicles will stop growing hair as they age. No wonder the elderly tend to have thinner hair or go bald.

Apart from age, baldness can also be experienced by people who suffer from certain diseases that cause severe hair loss to bald.

8. Why is the hair on the rest of the body shorter than the hair on the head?

Another hair fact is that the hair on other parts of the body tends to be shorter than the hair on the head.

This is because the anagen phase (hair growth cycle) on the hands and other parts of the body only lasts a matter of weeks. Meanwhile, the anagen phase in the head can last for years.

9. How many hairs are on the human head?

According to the article Anatomy and Physiology of Hair (2016), humans have about 5 million hair follicles and 100,000 of them are located on the scalp.

With this number of follicles on the head, it is estimated that the average number of human hairs on the head reaches 80,000 – 150,000 strands. Even so, hair that looks thin is not necessarily less than hair that looks thick.

The reason is, the size of each strand of hair can vary depending on the hair follicle and genetic factors it has.

So, of all these hair facts, which one did you just know?

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