8 Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Losing Weight

Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Losing Weight

Without an ounce of doubt, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives your body essential nutrients, jump-starts your brain, gives your metabolism what it needs to get working for the day, and keeps you slim.

Studies have found that what you eat for breakfast tends to influence what you eat the rest of the day.

Also, people who eat breakfast are significantly less likely to be obese and have diabetes than those who don't.

Whether you're too busy or not that hungry in the morning, one of these healthy breakfast ideas will fit into your lifestyle and help you achieve your health and weight loss goals.

  1. Chop up a couple of pieces of fruits, and add a tablespoon of yogurt, crushed almonds, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. This is a high protein, high fiber, and low-fat breakfast. Cinnamon has been shown to lower blood sugar levels. This breakfast is guaranteed to keep you full all morning.
  2. Sliced ​​banana’s coated with a couple of tablespoons of sugar-free muesli. Yum! You could add a tablespoon of yogurt or some almond milk to this. The potassium in the banana is beneficial for preventing strokes.
  3. Smoothies. Quick, simple, and highly nutritious. Simply blend a couple of your favorite fruits like mangos and peaches, add in a tablespoon of yogurt, and 1/2 a glass of water and you've got a healthy on-the-go breakfast loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, especially if you add in a superfood like a carob powder, spirulina, chlorella, maca or some bee pollen.
  4. Instead of a morning coffee, have a mug of green tea. Research shows that it can increase your metabolism having weight-loss benefits in addition to being heart protective.
  5. In a calorie-reduced diet, people who have eggs for breakfast instead of regular toast lost 65% more weight. Use organic eggs. They are not that much more expensive than regular eggs but are much higher in the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. Have them poached, scrambled, boiled, or as an omelette.
  6. Have a heart-healthy sandwich in a multi-seed bun filled with avocado, sliced ​​tomatoes, and cucumbers sprinkled with cayenne pepper.
  7. For one of those days when time is short and you want an easy and super quick solution — grab a healthy, sugar-free bar and an apple, and away you go!
  8. For my chocoholic friends… shave a couple of squares of dark chocolate over a cup of low-fat yogurt and mix. The antioxidant-loaded dark chocolate can help reduce the stickiness of “bad” LDL cholesterol and keep your arteries supple.

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