Organizing the Creative Geniuses to Get the Most Out of Their Intellectual Strength


Creative genius is often associated with the acquisition of domain expertise. A common theory is the "rule of ten": if you've learned your field for at least 10 years, you can create anything. Einstein, for example, was an expert in physics before pursuing his creative career.


Brainstorming with creative geniuses can be a highly effective way to develop new ideas and to harness their creative strengths. However, you should be aware of the problems that can arise during brainstorming sessions, so that you can avoid them. A loose structure can lead to chaos, so it is essential to establish a clear structure beforehand. Be sure to explain the brainstorming process and your expectations in advance. During brainstorming sessions, you must familiarize yourself with the problem or goal, as well as any previous attempts to tackle it. Also, make sure to provide all the tools and resources you need to facilitate the brainstorming process.

Brainstorming is a creative method that can be used for any type of project or goal. This technique encourages people to think big and generates a large number of ideas in a short amount of time. This process was first introduced in the 1940s by advertising executive Alex Osborn, who wanted people to think outside the box and make the most of their ideas. He wanted to encourage people to break free of the constraints of their own thinking, and to allow others to contribute their ideas as well.

Social environment

Creative geniuses benefit from an environment that is open, supportive, and informal. In contrast, constricting environments stifle their creativity. They prefer open spaces for their ideas to marinate and are constantly working on multiple problems at once. Creativity is closely related to traits such as curiosity, bravery, perspective, zest, and judgment/critical thinking.

Psychometric studies of prominent creators have provided evidence for this theory. These studies are based on standard assessment instruments, such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. Highly creative individuals generally scored higher than individuals with high levels of psychopathology.


A creative genius needs the right environment to be productive and effective. A job that requires a high level of stress or that doesn't allow for much creative freedom can waste the potential of a genius. Even a low-paying job with a high-impact mission can allow a creative genius to focus on developing ideas that are more valuable than their salary.

Creativity tools

The secret to creativity is openness. The more an individual is willing to try new things, the more likely he is to become a creative genius. This attitude contributes to higher levels of divergent thinking and pattern recognition. It also allows a creative mind to connect seemingly unrelated ideas. In fact, studies have shown that an open mind increases the quality of creative work. After all, a creative genius like Jane Goodall, for example, revolutionized zoology with her open mind.

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Another method for boosting creativeness is to exercise. A study by Stanford University showed that people function at a higher creative level when they exercise outside. Creative geniuses who exercise regularly often have more energy and are more likely to come up with new ideas. Some creative geniuses have even developed a strict schedule.

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