What Are You Going to Do With Your Superior Brain and High IQ?

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If you have a high IQ, there are many things you can do with it. First, you can choose from a list of careers. High IQ people are often extremely intelligent, which can make them an attractive candidate for certain jobs. They can also be great at solving problems. But there are many other things you can do with a high IQ. These occupations may suit you, depending on your skills and personality.

Careers for people with a high IQ

If you're an incredibly intelligent person, you should consider a career in science, technology, engineering, or engineering-related fields. People with high IQs will have an advantage in these fields, as the average IQ in this field is 126. If you're a person with a high IQ and superior brain, you can pursue a rewarding career in electrical engineering or become a scientist. While many people think of NASA scientists, the list of possible occupations for highly intelligent people is very large. Physicists, botanists, epidemiologists, and geneticists are just a few examples.

Occupational traits associated with a high IQ

In today's highly technological society, having a high IQ can be an advantage when it comes to securing a good career. Regardless of the position, high-IQ workers must match their skills to the requirements of their workplace. Super-smart workers might get bored easily and may have trouble relating to co-workers of average intelligence. In addition, some employers will not hire workers with a high IQ.

Physical characteristics of people with a high IQ

The hyper-brain/hyper-body theory states that people with a high IQ are more prone to mental and physical illnesses. In addition to increased IQ, such people may suffer from other problems, such as mood disorders, stress, and addiction. They may be overly sensitive to environmental changes or worry excessively. However, the theory does not explain why such people have a higher risk for these problems.

Biological determinants of IQ

Despite popular belief, children are not born with fixed levels of intelligence. The fact is that IQ scores of twins and fraternal twins who were raised in similar environments tend to be higher than those of non-twins who grew up in different circumstances. This finding is in accordance with the view of some psychologists that a child's formative environment shapes his or her intelligence, allowing exposure to a variety of settings to increase cognitive skills.

Signs of a high IQ in children

Children with a high IQ are more likely to have curiosity. They tend to ask lots of questions and may be able to concentrate for long periods of time. They also tend to be extremely empathetic, and are often sensitive to other people's feelings. They may also have strong moral judgment and a strong sense of justice. Despite their intellectual prowess, they can also exhibit high levels of frustration.

Signs of a high IQ in adults

One way to identify people with a high IQ is their hard-working attitude. They're likely to be self-motivated, have good language skills, and have good reasoning skills. They may also be more impressionable and prone to falling asleep during the day. Lastly, people with a high IQ may be taller than average. While there's no definitive way to tell if you're one of these people, these traits may be an indicator of your high IQ.

Signs of a high IQ in children with ADHD

While ADHD can make it difficult for a person to function in school and at work, it can also result in a high IQ. Some people with ADHD have an IQ higher than the average, which can lead to a perception that their IQ is lower than it really is. A 2010 study in the journal Psychological Medicine found that adults with high IQs but ADHD had significantly lower cognitive function than non-affected people. This was based on verbal, memory, and problem-solving tests. However, the study did not have control groups to compare with the ADHD patients.

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